Rota / Ancient Tic Tac Toe

ROTA: Ancient Roman wheel game—strategy, tradition, and mystery in a circular board. 🌟🏛🎲
updated March 23, 2024


Great game! Thanks for the files. The "stone" board printed but had some holes at the top. Haven't seen that problem before. It's as if when Cura sliced the file it left out a couple top layers. Wondering what settings you've printed it at. My Ender3v2 is pretty dialed in especially for PLA/PLA+ which is what I used.
Infill at 20, high quality (.12), skirt, no supports.
Any tips would be great. Thanks again.

@MarkHedstrom_467461 It's hard to tell without a picture, but to make the top layer look better you could enable ironing it would smoothen the top layer

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