Neopixel RGB LED frame

Video painted top with frame: This is made from scratch but inspired by TeachingTech…
updated October 7, 2021



Video painted top with frame:

This is made from scratch but inspired by TeachingTech design. This is still work in progress.

Mine incorporates 2×18650 cells in parallel to feed 47 WS2812B LEDs.

The size is 225×225mm, the LED area is 222×201mm, the logo area is 212×191mm.

On the rear there are 2 keyholes 162mm apart.

There is ample room for wire spaghetti inside.

I've used ESP-01 with WLED software.


  • Soldering iron
  • Common sense
  • 80cm WS2812B led strip
  • 134N3P Power bank module
  • 2 × 18650 cells
  • ESP-01
  • 10×15 SPST switch KCD11
  • AMS1117 small LDO breakout
  • piece of paper as backing or print a thin sheet of plastic Magnets

    You can either use:

  • 4 6×1mm mangets for the top part and 4 6×2mm magnets for the bottom part. or

  • use a screw in the base instead of magnets (M3x18mm max with 6x2mm head, DIN 7985 / ISO 7045, DIN 965 / ISO 7046, DIN 84 will work).


    The wiring is not too complicated.

    First, flash the WLED onto ESP01. Desolder the pins from AMS1117 and ESP01.

    Solder a bridge or a resistor (any value above 1k and below 1M) to the ESP8266, from CH_PD to 3V3 to permanently enable the chip.

    The outermost pins of the USB A output are +5V and GND.

    Connect the 2 18650 in parallel, and lastly connect them to B+ and B- of 134N3P.


    I suggest to spray paint the top to minimize the translucent look.


  • Added a small lip to support the frame and prevent light bleeding through

  • Added a hole for whole lenght to mount feet
  • Added clips and a channel for led strip (not tested if it fits)
  • Added preview video
  • Added wiring
Category: Decor


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
