Voron 0.2 DeckPanel Cover Mod

A deck panel cover for the V0.2
updated February 27, 2024



Deck Panel Cover

I love the hexagonal MidPanel by Zen3D, but wanted to have this cool pattern not only on the mid panel but also extended to the deck panel. My mod is just an aesthetic mod, that does not add any functionality, besides looking good ;)


A word of caution: The Deck Panel Cover is placed on top the normal deck panel. 

This means it adds 3mm of heigt to the normal deck panel. When you install it make sure that the bed screws don't touch the Deck Panel Cover during homing. For me there was enough clearance on my V0.2 with the Kirigami bed, but in case you have longer screws than me you will need to make sure they don't touch the Deck Panel Cover.

You can secure it with double sided tape to the deck panel. As it is held down most of the time by gravity you don't need to add a strong adhesive. That way you can also  remove it later easily.


There are two versions you can choose from:

  • Normal Version for the stock V0.2 RC2
  • Lower Guard version where you need to print the lower guard files, too.

Normal Version

Files to print:

  • DeckPanelCoverStockV02RC2.stl

Lower Guard Version

Files to print:

  • DeckPanelCoverLowerGuardV02.stl
  • LowerGuardV02.stl


You have two options how orient the model:

  • Top side facing up (as I did)
  • Sop side facing down to match the aesthetics of the V0 MidPanel HexPattern by Zen3D

Note that the stls and steps are oriented top side facing up. In case you want the top side facing down you need to flip the Deck Panel Cover model in the slicer.

Color swap

Though you could print the model in one color, it really shines when you swap color with you accent color. 

To achieve the look that you see in the pictures you need to add a color swap at two hights, so you start printing in the base color, swap to the accent color and then swap back to the base color. Note that different heigts are needed based on the print orientation you use.

This calculation is based on all layers being 0.2mm (also the first layer is 0.2mm layer hight)

Color swap heights for the top side facing up version:

  • From 0mm to 1mm (first 5 layers) you print in the base color
  • From 1.2mm to 2.2mm (next 6 layers) you print in the accent color
  • From 2.4mm to 3mm (last 4 layers) you print in the base color again.

In the slicer it should look something like this:

Color swap heights for the top side facing down version:

  • From 0mm to 0.8mm (first 4 layers) you print in the base color
  • From 1 mm to 2mm (next 6 layers) you print in the accent color
  • From 2.2mm to 3mm (last 5 layers) you print in the base color again.

In the slicer it should look something like this:

You can do this with an MMU or by adding a manual color swap. 


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

The deck panel cover is my own design, but it borrows the hexagons from the V0 MidPanel HexPattern by Zen3D and the lower guard version includes a modified version of the lower guard by Jevermeister.
