SuperVolcano & SuperVolcano² Upgrade Kobra 2 Max

This is what you need to upgrade your Kobra 2 Max to SuperVolcano(²)
updated February 23, 2025



Parts list:

  • Heatblock 
    1x supervolcano heatblock (& silicon sock)
    You can (re)use the Kobra 2 Max 60W heating rod.
  • Heatbreak
    1x heatbreak for Anycubic Mega pro / Vyper 
    The heatbreak of the Kobra 2 Max is not compatible with standard nozzles, so you must change it.
    If it fits your temperature need, consider buying a "standard" bore 4.1mm heatbreak and put some capricorn XS PTFE tube to it. It has a bigger connection tube between cold- & hot-end as the bi-metal heatbreaks and therefore is more stiff. Reducing flex of the huge heatblock & nozzle improves the printing precision.
    4.1 bore heatbreaks for the vyper are hard to find nowadays, but you can buy one for "CR6 SE / Ender 3 neo / CR10 smart" and cut off 3mm on the cold side. 
  • Nozzle adapter 
    1x supervolcano adapter for normal RepRap/V6 nozzles 
    Without it, you would be limited to supervolcano nozzles
  • Nozzle 
    At least one RepRap/V6 nozzles of your choice. Maybe try a CHT and go SuperVolcanoCHT!  
  • Autobed level (ABL) sensor / probe 
    - 1x ABL-Sensor-Extension.stl printed standing upright with organic stands on the hotbed
    - 1x Screw M3 countersunk 12mm 
    - 1x Nut M3
    - 4cm cable extension with JST PH 3pin plug & socket (3cm cable + plugs)
  • Thermistor 
    You can (re)use the Kobra 2 Max thermistor and mount it on the heatbreak side of the heatblock
    I tried attaching the thermistor to the nozzle side of the heatblock, but that is not a good match for the logic of the Kobra 2 Max. When 100% fan kick in, it cools the thermistor at the noozle side too much and an abnormal heating error pops up and ends your print
  • Fanduct 
    1x Kobra_2_Max_fanduct_SuperVolcano.stl printed with organic stands on the hotbed 
    The normal heatblock of the Kobra 2 is 20mm height, a supervolcano heatblock is 50mm height. Therefore the fanduct is 30mm longer then the original.
  • Software
    As your printhead gained 30mm in height now, you have to reduce your max z height from 500mm down to 470mm


What is SuperVolcano² ?

You fit a Volcano nozzle to the supervolcano adapter - et voilà, SuperVolcano² 
My reason for this: I print with a 1.5mm nozzle, which is easily available as Volcano CHT clone, but hard to find in V6.

Part list changes for Supervolcano²:

  • Nozzle 
    At least one Volcano nozzles of your choice. Maybe try a CHT and go SuperVolcano²CHT! 
    Deluxe: 2x M6 copper nut (made of pure copper, not only copper plated) to "enlarge" the heatblock over the 10mm naked nozzle thread
  • Fanduct 
    1x Kobra_2_Max_fanduct_SuperVolcano².stl printed with organic stands on the hotbed 
    The normal heatblock of the Kobra 2 is 20mm height, a supervolcano heatblock is 50mm height. A Volcano nozzle has 10mm more thread then a normal v6. Therefore the fanduct is 40mm longer then the original.
  • Software
    As your printhead gained 40mm in height now, you have to reduce your max z height from 500mm down to 460mm


Although I supposed CHT must be useless on a supervolcano, it makes a huge difference in print quality with exact the same settings. Compared a steel/TC4 1.5mm vs a 1.4mm Bondtech CHT, both V6. Bondtech did absolut perfect print with PET-G @ 65mm³, steel/TC4 was "useable". More mm³ are possible, but print quality suffers.

Let it flow!



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Spare Anycubic Kobra 2 Hotend Housing & Fanduct
by cascadier (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Adapted the fanduct to the length needed for SuperVolcano
