Parts list:
- Heatblock
1x supervolcano heatblock (& silicon sock)
You can (re)use the Kobra 2 Max 60W heating rod. - Heatbreak
1x heatbreak for Anycubic Mega pro / Vyper
The heatbreak of the Kobra 2 Max is not compatible with standard nozzles, so you must change it.
If it fits your temperature need, consider buying a "standard" bore 4.1mm heatbreak and put some capricorn XS PTFE tube to it. It has a bigger connection tube between cold- & hot-end as the bi-metal heatbreaks and therefore is more stiff. Reducing flex of the huge heatblock & nozzle improves the printing precision.
4.1 bore heatbreaks for the vyper are hard to find nowadays, but you can buy one for "CR6 SE / Ender 3 neo / CR10 smart" and cut off 3mm on the cold side. - Nozzle adapter
1x supervolcano adapter for normal RepRap/V6 nozzles
Without it, you would be limited to supervolcano nozzles - Nozzle
At least one RepRap/V6 nozzles of your choice. Maybe try a CHT and go SuperVolcanoCHT! - Autobed level (ABL) sensor / probe
- 1x ABL-Sensor-Extension.stl printed standing upright with organic stands on the hotbed
- 1x Screw M3 countersunk 12mm
- 1x Nut M3
- 4cm cable extension with JST PH 3pin plug & socket (3cm cable + plugs) - Thermistor
You can (re)use the Kobra 2 Max thermistor and mount it on the heatbreak side of the heatblock
I tried attaching the thermistor to the nozzle side of the heatblock, but that is not a good match for the logic of the Kobra 2 Max. When 100% fan kick in, it cools the thermistor at the noozle side too much and an abnormal heating error pops up and ends your print - Fanduct
1x Kobra_2_Max_fanduct_SuperVolcano.stl printed with organic stands on the hotbed
The normal heatblock of the Kobra 2 is 20mm height, a supervolcano heatblock is 50mm height. Therefore the fanduct is 30mm longer then the original. - Software
As your printhead gained 30mm in height now, you have to reduce your max z height from 500mm down to 470mm
What is SuperVolcano² ?
You fit a Volcano nozzle to the supervolcano adapter - et voilà, SuperVolcano²
My reason for this: I print with a 1.5mm nozzle, which is easily available as Volcano CHT clone, but hard to find in V6.
Part list changes for Supervolcano²:
- Nozzle
At least one Volcano nozzles of your choice. Maybe try a CHT and go SuperVolcano²CHT!
Deluxe: 2x M6 copper nut (made of pure copper, not only copper plated) to "enlarge" the heatblock over the 10mm naked nozzle thread - Fanduct
1x Kobra_2_Max_fanduct_SuperVolcano².stl printed with organic stands on the hotbed
The normal heatblock of the Kobra 2 is 20mm height, a supervolcano heatblock is 50mm height. A Volcano nozzle has 10mm more thread then a normal v6. Therefore the fanduct is 40mm longer then the original. - Software
As your printhead gained 40mm in height now, you have to reduce your max z height from 500mm down to 460mm
Although I supposed CHT must be useless on a supervolcano, it makes a huge difference in print quality with exact the same settings. Compared a steel/TC4 1.5mm vs a 1.4mm Bondtech CHT, both V6. Bondtech did absolut perfect print with PET-G @ 65mm³, steel/TC4 was "useable". More mm³ are possible, but print quality suffers.
Let it flow!
The author remixed this model.
Differences of the remix compared to the original
Adapted the fanduct to the length needed for SuperVolcano