Because everyone's printer has slightly different tolerances/clearances there are two versions of this in the files attached.Moreover, if the loose is too loose a single layer of painters tape with make them snug (as pictured.)
If you want use a small dot of Super Glue on any pieces that are loose. Just avoid getting glue on the printed shaft.
Uses the generic "BetaFPV prop removal tool"
A sacrificial 1mm (or smaller) motor shaft.
Super Glue
Painters Tape
Angle Grinder with a cut off disk (or a file with some patience).
A multi tool with Pliers, and a File, will do the trick.
I used a pencil eraser to protect the motor shaft pin when not in use.
The 'Prop Remover Tool' is straightened with Pliers and then bent to a right angle at around 14mm. A cut is then made in the center lengthwise. The flat edge is then filed down to create a wedge and all the edges are rounded off and deburred.
Push the L-Shaped bar, with the smaller side of the L facing the larger center hole, into the thin slot on the rounded side of handle til it meets the flat side/top.
Slide the pin into the small hole on the side of the handle until it's flush.
(See note) Push the motor shaft pin into the small hole on the printed shaft. (note: The pin is not the same on both ends. Make sure you push the thicker side of the motor shaft pin into the printed shaft hole, leaving the 1mm diameter side sticking out.)
The Push Top fits on on top of the end opposite of the motor shaft pin.
Evenly rub around the long sides of motor shaft pin with a file to make it's diameter a little smaller than 1mm.
The printed shaft assembly can then be placed through the center hole of the handle from the flat side down.
Best wishes and happy flying,
The author marked this model as their own original creation.