Toy Handcuffs with Key (print-in-place)

They print in place without supports.
12 k
updated February 9, 2024



These print-in-place locking handcuffs print without supports. I put in a comfortable number chain links to make them suitable for casual wear. That is, you could wear them at a party and still, say, eat and drink. And most importantly, you can comfortably reach to put in the key to unlock yourself. And if you do lose your key, don't panic. The 3rd photo shows the internal latching mechanism. You can easily poke the end of a paperclip or small Allen wrench into the keyhole at an angle and push the latch open.

I strongly suggest printing these in PLA with 0.2mm layers (to make the p-i-p gaps work out properly). Keeping the links adhered to the bed while printing can be a bit of a challenge. I suggest using a smooth build plate with a bed temp. of 70 deg. and also use some glue. If you have trouble with adhesion,  I've included a second version where the links have mouse-ear brims that will need to be cut away after printing.

After printing, you'll notice that across the round hole on one side, there is a single layer of wispy filament covering the hole. Use a small round tool or needle file to clear this gunk away. You can also use the pointy end of the key to clear this out.

Lastly, when using the key, it only takes a small amount of torque to open the lock. Do not force the key or you will snap it off in the lock and then you will be in real trouble!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
