Twisted vase with strands

Twisted vase with strands. An experiment on introducing stiffness into a thin wall structure by adding strands of…
updated September 8, 2021



Très joli, il fait toujours son effet! Imprimé sans problèmes. Merci

Printed this with a tricolor Silver/Gold/Copper PLA.

Did you know, it works in vase mode? Well done!

Turned out pretty nice looking

Really nice, 🙏

Came out OK on Anycubic Mega X, will have to play around with some settings to make walls thicker for the blue satin filament I'm using

Cool model! quantum filament didn't turn out perfect, but it still looks sweet

very cool model, looks great in a dual colour filament, this is printed in PrimaCreator Chameleon gold/silver, little bit stringy but that's because iv been messing with the printer...