This is a remix of the "Wire spool Skadis mount" by @Rene as well as the remix made by @Otter ( that added gridfinity support. I liked the model made by @Otter however it did not allow for stacking and only worked with slim spools of wire so I modified the holder to be stackable and included a double-width version that takes up a 2x2 grid space. There are 2 widths for the spool dowels. a 23mm version and a 20mm version, print whatever version you need for your spools.
I have included an OpenSCAD file for the spindle to allow making spindles for any size of wire, you can download the .scad file or use the customizer on thingiverse to make custom spindle holders. Link to customizer:
Print with a 0.2mm layer height so the magnet holes print correctly.
Optional: Uses standard 6x2mm magnets just like the standard gridfinity bins.
Optional: Uses M3x6 screws on the top to allow stacked bins to be magnetically attached.
The author remixed this model.
Added gridfinity support. Added a double-length variant.