Remixed mount for phone holder. I was using the original mount but after adding an AMS riser needed to move the phone.
updated January 22, 2024



I was using the original mount and holder for my OG Pixel but added an AMS riser.  Made this to move the phone to the side so I could slide the top glass out.

This is just the mount, use the original phone holder.  Two versions like the original - one for heat inserts and one to screw straight into the plastic, same hardware requirements.

Plain hex ends to fit the hollow hsw inserts.  The hex ends have a very slight taper to ease fitting. If you print it on its side, as pictured, like I did, the whole face prints flat so the taper on the bottom face is eliminated, if the fit is a little tight a sliver off the two edges of the bottom face with the deburring tool should be enough.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

New base mounts to fit honeycomb storage wall, screw holes compatible with original holder.
