Parameterized Handheld Dyson Cleanout Stick

A printable hook meant for cleaning out the dust chamber of the handheld Dyson v6 vacuum
updated January 19, 2024



This stick has a hook at the end curved to help it fit in the main dust chamber of the Dyson v6 (and similarly shaped) vacuum cleaners. The curve helps it follow the round chamber, and it slots in some tight areas that I can't reach easily with a straight object like a screwdriver.

It's a pretty simple model inspired by waleedk's model on Thingiverse--they used OpenSCAD but I'm more comfortable in Fusion. I've thickened it a bit, made it dual sided, and added a hole which you can tie some string through in case you want to hang it near your vacuum.


Feel free to Buy Me a Coffee if you like what I've done.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Dyson V6 cleaning tool
by waleedk (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I've recreated this in Fusion360 rather than OpenSCAD because it's more intuitive for me. I've adjusted the lengths and the curvature to be a little more effective in my experience.

I've also added a void in the main stick so that you could loop some string, a twist tie, or something else through in order to hang this from something, which is how we store it nearthe vacuum.

I also thickened the part to make it a little more durable, and smoothed out the curve and the edges, just for aesthetics.
