MMU2S Extruder Filament Sensor Micro Adjuster

Makes it much easier to adjust the filament sensor on the extruder for the MMU2S.
2× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
0.00 g
updated July 25, 2021



works great, thanks

Was very much struggling with my MMU2S to consistently communicate between the MMU2 and the Filament Sensor on top of the Extruder for my MK3S. Printed the part this morning, and I'm giving it a shot now. As an engineer, I think this has a good shot at eliminating a lot of issues. I'll comment more if I see issues. Thanks, TickTock! (edited)

This saved me after hours of frustration with the stock sensor setup.

Printed this and a new idler cover, calibrated while winding in the screw. Within 10 minutes I was printing multi-colour. This was after a couple of days of filament not loading correctly.

Great design!

I did that modification to increase the filament sensor calibration. The idea is very good, but this it is not solving the issue for me. When I tighten the screw, the adjuster is moving from right to left. I need the opposite movement, from left to right. I'll look at Peter Larsen's design to see if it solving for me. However, this is a very good design that should help other people.

I am implementing many of TickTocks upgrades for the extruder. I ran into loading reliability problems after using 2 spools of filament. Thanks for the work.

I added the MMU2S Extruder Filament Sensor Micro Adjuster today after being frustrated by my MMU2s failing to load. It's early yet, but after several hundred filament changes without a load failure, I'm really happy. The part printed a bit tight, but after deburring the edge and using some soap on the FS-Cover-MMU2s for lubrication. Nice to have a bit more control on the position and figure out how close to either endpoint for the IR sensor activation.

Ran into some trouble with this one!

A few prints ago, I started having a lot of trouble with the MMU. After a few days, I just couldn't keep the filament sensor calibrated. Through multiple hours of effort, I finally got the stupid thing to detect a filament so long as it wasn't moving up. As soon as it moved up, even a fraction of a mm, the sensor would report no filament.

I remembered seeing this model a while back, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I printed this out and also a new idler door (the one with the long flag on top). I installed both... and the blasted thing simply wouldn't work at all.

I spent hours, and hours, and hours this morning trying to get the stupid thing to work. But nothing I did would even let the filament sensor report a filament. I thought I killed the sensor, but it reported a block when I put a screwdriver in there, or an allen wrench, or even a piece of filament from the trash.

And then it dawned on me. The filament I used to print this tower and the idler door are transparent to IR. Once I figured that out, I quickly corrected the issue and this made calibrating the IR sensor an absolute breeze!

In short: I tried for a week, first on my own after with Prusa support, until someone there sent me a link to this printed part.
1. I printed this part
2.I mounted this part
3. Just a few adjustments and it went perfectly without third screw

PS. First time I forgot to put the screw, but I saw that it works well so I left it without :))) (edited)

I printed the part. Unfortunately it is not compatible with FS-cover on my printer :-( The idler arm is higher than the slot in the printed part.

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OK. Take a look at the 2021 variant I just added. I went ahead and upgraded mine to that version as well. It seems to work but have not printed anything with it yet.

I like your efford. I was getting quiet annoyed by the repeated mis-alignment of the sensor and wanted to create something better. But someone was faster (and better) This design has worked for me flawless so far. (edited)