Light Switch Extender for Moulding

Sideways switch extender with a bump to account for ~1/2" crown moulding.
updated January 13, 2024



Kevin made a fantastic model for extending a light switch sideways. It's really handy for the light switch behind the fridge, but there is a doorway right next to the face plate, so I added a bend to account for that. It isn't pretty, but its functional. I didn't really measure, but the second try was great, so I included the three different lengths I made.

Print Extender Cover Bar, Switch Extender Plate Cover and Switch Extender Lever Knob from Kevin's original. This remix snaps into the original.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I took the Switch Extender Lever and modified it so it bent around my door frame.
