Dummy 13 Dual Lamp Mod Scale 400%

This mod transform your dummy 13 scaled at 400% into a articulated posable lamp !
updated March 13, 2024



The idea start with 2 old exit sign lamp that I had at work and I wanted to experience a little bit with a lot of stuff like scaling, modifying existing parts , mixing mesh file to create accessories, so I tried all that on the dummy 13 and created this lamp which is scale at 400% of the original size!

The backpack was created by fusing parts of the dummy wings adaptor to an existing backpack stl file convert in fusion 360. I then proceed to model the real life electrical component to make space for them and join them properly to the backpack and create an openable compartment for the electrical connections. It is split into 2 parts, the backpack and the cover part that connect to the back of the dummy 13 making the electrical connection available. But that cover part need a little bit of more work to make it easier to open and closes but for now it work for me.

then I created armor part for the lamp matching the armor of the dummy 1 by clipping part of it and playing with them around the lamp! the result is really cool! I printed all in PLA!

EDIT: Im currently printing a second one because I have a second set of light and this time I try the : “Dummy 13 - BigMod for 500%” from Drunken Wizard (even if my scale is 400% XD) but it work pretty damn well and its so much more easy to assemble !


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

  • The head was modified to fit two lamp on it
  • A custom armor was also created with segment of the dummy 13 armor to fit the rest of the model
  • A backpack was added to fit the electrical component for the lamp
