Small fidget with exposed mechanism, that being pressed advances a single-digit dial by one with a satisfactory click.
In the contest Counters
updated January 4, 2024



A small fidget with exposed mechanism. It advances a single-digit dial by one with a satisfactory click upon being pressed:



(If you prefer a .webm video with controls and sound rather than a 1980's .gif, go here.
Apparently  Printables stuck with sole support for videos hosted by external streaming services that I'm not comfortable with due to their privacy and user disrespecting policies.)



The model consists of three parts: a base plate, a dial and a bolt to keep the dial in place. Note that the bolt has left-handed thread (so that the dial fastens it upon rotation).

By design there is no indication which digit is currently ‘selected’; you can either draw an arrow (e.g., on the bolt) after assembly, or you can assume one position to be the right (e.g., that the digit which is fully over the base plate is ‘selected’).

This model was designed for PET-G. Using a different material might change the force needed to advance the dial. No supports shall be used.
I used 0.5mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer for draft prints, and the fidgets work fine, yet the digits came out badly. With 0.25mm nozzle (and 0.1mm layer) the digits look nice.

The STL files were generate using the Scriber Bold Stencil font available free of charge for personal use here. The .stl models use that font, hence the non-commercial license (CC-BY-NC-SA).
The .scad and .dxf files themselves are CC-BY.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
