Another week point found. :) So here is version 3.
- Added rib to Slider to add overall stiffness
- Adjusted geometry of pins that push joy con buttons. Now you can feel and hear response when you push Paddle.
- bgcode and project file. contain necessary supports and the block on Slider part that is better to print with 100% infill. Certainly there is still Fuzzy skin and print stop for inserting M3 nuts to Horns.
Horns are compatible between the versions.
Slider v2 will work with original Paddles and Paddles v3.
Slider v3 requires Paddles v3.
Do not now how, but kids manage to brake prisma joint several times, so here is version 2 which has the week point strengthen.
Steering wheel is made from 4 parts. I am printing that from PLA.
Main part Slider is designed to slide on the Joy Con and lock in place.
Horns are extenders handles of the steering wheel.
Paddles are used to press SL/SR buttons of Joy Con.
Design is accommodating small hand of the child as the large of the adult thanks to sunken design. Joy Con is below the level of the handles. Joy Cons + and - have a bit different position in the wheel to place controls closer to center. Otherwise there would be a big difference in position of joystick and buttons in the wheel for + and/or - Joy Con.
Attached *.bgcode includes
- fuzzy skins for Horns and part of the Slider, which later looks good on assembled wheel and feels great in hand (thanks PrusaSlicer for this modifier).
- Stop at level 7.8mm where pair of M3 hex nuts should be inserted into the Horns
- Supports where needed, you can use as well auto support. Only you will have a bit work to get them out of the slider groove.
- Horns are screwed to the Slider with pair of M3 16mm screws with cylinder head. To prevent them from rotating there is in each of horns set of 2 holes designed for inserting 6mm long pieces of 1.75 mm filament. To make that super strong you can add few drops of instant glue between Horns and Slider. Thanks to fuzzy skin of handles the split line is nearly invisible.
- Paddles are just slid in the prisma. You need to bend them a bit forward while being slid in position
Happy printing and Enjoy driving.