Speedometer Clock

A simple retro motorcycle speedometer themed clock powered by NodeMCU and Servo Motors.
10h 25m
3× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
92.00 g
In the contest Timekeepers
updated June 23, 2021



Speedometer Clock

Inspired by analog dials of a retro motorcycle. It shows time in hours and minutes in a pair dials which resembles a tachometer and speedometer. The time is fetched from the Time Server and constantly updates it. The needle movement is controlled by two servo motors.

Recommended Print Settings

Nozzle   : 0.4mm
Material   : PLA
Color    : Any
Layer Height   : 0.2mm
Infill   : 15% (rectilinear)
Supports  : None
Rafts    : None
Print Time :  ~12 Hr.

Clock_Face.stl :

Lower Layers must be printed with material that pass light if backlight is needed. Add 3 or more top solid infill for preventing the backlight penetrating through unwanted areas
Print in Two Colors. You can print multiple colors in single extrusion printer by filament change method. For that Use M600 Command After 3/4 Layers (for 0.2mm layers) in the GCODE .
In Prusaslicer you can add colors easily without messing up with GCODE and view the code graphically for more convenience.
Print a minute hand and an hour hand.

Hardware Requirements
  • Node MCU  x1
  • SG90 360 Degree Servo Motor x2 (Normal 180Deg Servos won't work directly unless you modify it)
  • DC Socket (DC-022)  x1
  • M3 Screw(½")  x6
  • Screws (For Servo, NodeMCU)
  • LEDs(Optional - For Backlight)
Software Requiremts
  • Arduino IDE
  • Libraries
    • Basic ESP8266 Libraries
      NTPClient by Fabrice Weinberg
Assembly Instructions

Place NodeMCU and Servos as shown in the images.


Flash NodeMCU with codes attached. (Some parameters has to be modified accordingly like your 'Time Zone', 'Wireless Credentials', 'Servo angle', etc. )
After completing and checking the connections, the back panel can be secured using six M3 screws. (careful while tight into plastic parts)
Done :)


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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