I ordered and received my SL1S and it didn't come with the protective tray (the chat customer service agent said that was an optional item I can order). Rather than waiting another week for delivery I decided to quickly design and print one myself. Here is the result.
Make sure you use supports for the lip. I used PETG which came out fine but an initial print attempt with ABS didn't work as well. The supports didn't print well.
I included the Fusion 360 file so you can modify and remake as desired. I figured if Prusa isn't shipping the trays with their printer people may want to create one.
I set a few basic parameters in the model for wall thickness and height. It's pretty easy to figure out.
BTW: The SL1S Rocks!!!! I'm working on a venting solution now, something to attach to the wall and vent outside.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.