I found the tool a bit too large for some cables. So I reduced the overall size from 100% to ca. 75%. Fits now 110mm build plate (e.g. Voron 0.1). Many smaller cables (e.g. Micro USB, USB-C, phone charger cables) have a better fit now and don't take that much of a space. Look around you you'll find either 30 cables, rather than only 10. Right? With smaller size you may run risk to damage the cable. So please pay attention on this!
For better printing I imported SQUINN's parts into TinkerCad and opened the PIP (Print-In-Place) hinge for the opening mechanism for a tenth of a millimeter. This prevents the hinge from breaking when you try to get it to work. Your printer requirements for precision are also less.
The PIP-winding spool has to be twisted carefully, maybe in frozen condition. Maybe a reduced flow rate 97-98% instead of 100% can help. Depends pretty much on your printer and printer setup. Try it and you'll know! Good luck and Happy Printing!
Note: Some parts (see photographs) have been printed in PLA on Carbon textured PEI plate.
At the end I like to credit SQUINN for this great model! Thank you.
The author remixed this model.
Reduced overall size of the winders from 100% down to 75%. Hence the hinge gap needed rework. I opened the gap by approx. 0.10-0.12mm.