This is a system of profiles with internal connectors, glued together, that leaves the slots free of splice bars. Great for building enclosures or non-load bearing frames where there is a secondary support (IE: Base frame clamped to a board). Play with the print orientation of the corner pieces to get the best layer line strength for your application, but at a 45 angle with supports is probably universal (gets the lines perpendicular to the slots). Print the beams and connectors as shown to get perpendicular layer lines between the pieces and strengthen the assembly. Print small test sections 1st and adjust as needed for shrinkage with your particular filament. I am using Overture Super PLA+. Scale or trim pieces to get the sizes you need. For a curved front to the enclosure lid I am using this piece
The author remixed this model.
Re-worked a few of the base profiles into functioning pieces.