Articulated Little Shenron keyring

This little keyring is based on my larger Articulated Shenron model. Made in Bambu Studio.
updated January 5, 2024



NOTE: The images are of the BAMBU STUDIO model. As I do not own any Prusa printer, or know how to use Prusa Slicer properly, I cannot guarantee your prints will look the same as mine if you use the converted Prusa .3mf files.

This little keyring is based on my larger Articulated Shenron model. It has some articulation, but the legs do not move, and the neck doesn't move either due to the addition of whiskers.
I would not print it any smaller than the provided file. I also would not use it on items that go in a pocket or a bag. It's best used on the outside of a bag.

If you'd rather not have it as a keyring, simply delete the negative cylinder part as shown in the picture, and you're good to go! (only in Bambu Studio)

I printed mine without a brim; providing your hotbed is clean/freshly glued, you shouldn't need a brim either. Supports are not needed for 99% of this model; do not use them or the model can break when you remove it from the supports!
HOWEVER; I have painted supports on the whiskers, as they float from the hotbed and would fail to print without them. Do not change the support settings, or you'll lose the manual painting I did. If for some reason the supports aren't there, you can paint them yourself; just make sure it looks similar to the below image and you should be good.


If you sell prints of these models, you must be subscribed to my Patreon to maintain a license:


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Made the model significantly smaller, added built-in whiskers to the head, added a hole to the mouth for the keyring, and removed many segments to keep the keyring size sensible.
