Mini+ LCD Case with USB and Power Switch plus Hole Cover

More convenient access to the Mini+'s USB port and power switch
updated January 2, 2025



Takes some tinkering & adjustment/persuasion to fit the USB port in! Love this add-on!

Very nice model, i just need this upgrade! Print with PLA - 0,2 mm layer

Easily the best mod I've done for my Prusa Mini. Having the power switch and USB port on the front is so much more convenient. I used adhesive cable clips to keep the wiring tidy. I didn't bother with the stopper for the USB cable and instead used hot glue to secure it. This USB cable fit perfectly:

Very cool and easy to make.

It's so convenient, thank you! (edited)

Printed out of KiwiFil rPETG Electric Blue. Really good design: look forward to mounting it once all the components arrive and I print the back plate.