It's one of your favorite wise-cracking robots, in semi-action figure form! Just print the pieces and follow these instructions to build your own miniature movie-riffing robot friend complete with kung-fu head swivel action!
- Use glue to assemble 2 hemispheres into a globe, glue that to the top of the Neck piece, then glue the Hat to the top of the head globe.
- Embed a knurled M3 nut in hole at base of Neck piece by melting it into the plastic with a soldering iron or 3d pen.
- Using Loctite or glue, thread and lock an M3 threaded rod into the neck.
- Glue and insert a 1.75mm piece of scrap filament into each shoulder piece with filament curved down.
- Slide arm coil pieces up arm filament and glue to shoulder.
- Snip filament fragment to just under the arm coil, then glue and filament end into hand.
- Glue shoulders, Base, and Motor to the Body.
- Glue Motor detail to motor.
- Pass the M3 threaded rod that is attached to the Neck through the Body and Base.
- Use a washer and M3 nuts to hold the thread to the base, but with enough slack to allow the rod to turn freely. This will allow the head to rotate just like the full sized Tom Servo via turning the rod.
- Cut rod length to just above the Base bottom to allow Servo to be placed on surfaces.
- Celebrate by riffing movies with your new friend.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.