Multi Part Machine Calibration Tests

An exploded version of the Pyramid Calibration Test, to tune for specific features that require more of your attention.
updated April 23, 2024



For those of you who printed our Pyramid Calibration Test (PCT) and found that your machine can use some fine tuning, but you don't necessarily want to reprint the entire PCT again. We are providing an exploded version of the PCT that will cut your print times down dramatically, allowing you to reiterate test prints in a matter of minutes rather than hours.

Machine settings are the same as the PCT.
- Must print at 0.20mm layer thickness.
- Infill 20%
- 3 walls minimum
- Line width should be small enough to print the letters and numbers.
- Turn off Adaptive Layers or Arachne (PrusaSlicer) during initial testing.  Tuning of the machine needs to be done with these settings off.  Once print settings show acceptable test results, you can turn on Adaptive Layers / Arachne and conduct a final test.

Recommendation:  Print the Ball-Cone Tower first to determine best nozzle temp, print speed and retraction settings. Then print the remaining in the following order: Stringing, Bridging, Overhangs_45-80, Overhangs_45 & 80 (optional).

If you have any questions, please send us a message.

Thanks for your interest and good luck


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The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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