Ender-3 V3 SE Ball Joint Filament Guide Remastered

Ball joint filament guide with a 2020/2040 extruded fitting, and a clip-on rail for the top of the V3 SE frame.
updated December 10, 2023

Model files

Filament Guide.stl
Filament Guide.stl
203 kB  |  December 6, 2023
Clip Front 2020 Rail.stl
Clip Front 2020 Rail.stl
8 kB  |  December 6, 2023
Clip Front 2020 Rail Looser.stl
Clip Front 2020 Rail Looser.stl
8 kB  |  December 6, 2023

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I took the ball joint guide and designed a new arm with a 2020/2040 compatible mount on the end. The the mount and the arm on the guide are both thicker as well. 
