@loicloic made a lovely terminal cover for the V0 PSU. However it seems to rely on screwing into a threaded panel underneath the PSU - while the standard v0/v0.1 instructions have you mount the PSU directly to acrylic with a nut on the PSU side (no threaded parts). This remix changes the terminal cover to accommodate a nut at the bottom - and mounts to the PSU using a M3x5x4mm heat set insert (from the standard V0 BOM) on the right side instead.
Compatible with LRS-100-24 and LRS-150-24
Standard Voron print settings work well:
The author remixed this model.
This remix changes the terminal cover to accommodate a nut at the bottom and mounts to the PSU using a M3x5x4mm heat set insert (from the standard V0 BOM) on the right side instead.