Simple Cut and paste of the upper section, to allow the nextruder on the MK4 to pass by the guide without issues.
updated November 30, 2023



Remix of Matt Boyer's very nice Filament Guide. Sharing mostly at the prompting of several folks in the comments for that one. I've not tried to update the file in any major way, simply printed a set off, and they worked for me, on a day 1 preassembled MK4. Feel free to tweak and improve, as I got the spacing correct on the first try (somehow) and haven't felt the need to go back and make any changes.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Very minor changes, requested by a few of the members in the previous item's post. I've not spent any real time optimizing or cleaning up the file, feel free to do so as you wish. I've left the parts distinct so you can move them as you see fit, all credit to the original author Matt Boyer.


Highlighted models from creator

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