Linux Red Hat for Articulated Posable Penguin

Linux Red Hat for the Articulated Posable Penguin. Make a great gift for you favorite sysadmin!
updated November 29, 2023



Needed a fedora for this raccoon. This hat worked perfectly after scaling it up. Thank you for the model.

i've done 40 years of computer stuff, and 4 years of 3d printing. BUT, DUHH, I was looking at the origiinal head when it was upside down ! I did not see the SLOT, i only saw the round hole where the elastic goes !!!

anyway, i've now printed 8 penguin-assembly parts, did the top hat, but i am not going to glue them on, i'm going to see how hat-changing works (for the grandkids) ! these penguins, and hte snowmen, are cool !

i started making some of these ornaments to give out to friends also !
thanks for your hat design !

are there any video's of how to attach the hat ( s )? I see the penguin head with a round hole in it, but i see these posts to attach the hat, and the hat ( s ) have the oval peg hole. I'm confused
any help appreciated, thanks

@APrinterInThe_171463 The peg I made is an helper to align the hat's 3 parts. Add 2 drops of glue to the head and eyeball the hat on the head.

Nice hat! I'm pretty sure this guy's up to something shady though.

printed it in White and black.
He's a real smooth nooter now!

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