The sharps container will accept blades up to 25mm in width. The outer dimensions are 40x30x68.4mm .
The model comes in two parts, the main body with debossed text and the text object. If you want the single color container, print just the main body with the slit towards the bed, no support needed. If you want the text in a different color import the prepositioned models in the .3mf as separate objects ('No' in the PrusaSlicer ‘Multi-part object detected’ dialog). First print the text and then, without removing it from the bed, print the main body over it in the second color. Make sure to keep the bed heated between prints.
To summarize: Load filament for text → print text → keep bed and extruder heated → load filament for main body → print main body → remove finished print from bed
The author marked this model as their own original creation.