This straightforward drill guide is my humble attempt to ease the process of mounting items on an IKEA SKÅDIS pegboard using T-Nuts.
Designed for those who, like myself, struggle with getting measurements just right, this guide can be clamped or bolted directly onto the item for precise marking of drill holes. It works well with my centre hole punch.
Using @linearcline’s parametric SKÅDIS board generator (find it at:
it helps ensure that drilling spots are accurately marked, and items align neatly with the board’s edges, achieving a clean and flush look.
The guide is intended to be use with the SKÅDIS T-Nuts Mounting System by @6d6178 (available here:
Although my design skills are basic, I have found it this simple tool to be very handy.
I plan to continually refine and update this design, adding more sizes and shapes based on practical experiences and feedback, I hope it will evolve into an even more useful tool.
Again, special thanks to the talented creators @linearcline and @6d6178.
Tagging this as “skadisnut” for easy discovery, I hope this guide assists fellow members of the community.
The author remixed this model.
I made the board smaller and slimmer, reduced the size of the holes and ensured they were centrally aligned, with the correct distance from the edge for a flush fit.
These modifications were all aimed at making it easier to mark the drill points for the use of T-Nuts.