Pony Bench wrist stocks print in place

A print in place wrist stock for the pony bench I built.
updated November 23, 2023



My very first print in place design.  This is the entire wrist stock assembly to the pony bench that I built.  It's designed to have ¼" metal rods for the locking mechanism.  The idea is that a single rod attaches to the top sliding block and extends down vertically.   Then two shorter rods with a slope cut into them press horizontally into the vertical rod (note the rubber band, that applies the pressure towards the vertical rod).  What's not shown in the photos are “teeth” cut into the vertical rode as the level where the vertical and horizontal channels converge.  

This thing is big.  11" height and I printed on my 350mm build plate.  There probably will not be a lot of iteration on this version as I don't believe a single body 3d printed delivers the best solution.  I'm working on another design that will keep the wrist stocks 3d printed, but the supporting structure either as separate pieces (still 3d printed) or wood.  

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
