Legado3D is an archaeologist that does digital preservation of historical legacy, and they are taking us farther back in time to the Neolithic period with this model!
A Dolmen is a tomb composed by a circular chamber which is accessed through a corridor, built with large blocks of carved stone called orthostats. Inside, the Neolithic communities (4000–3000 BCE) buried their dead, and sometimes with luxurious grave goods. They were sometimes covered with earth or smaller stones to create a burial mound.
This specific representation is based on the Santa Inés Dolmen, located in Bernardos, Segovia, Spain, but it is a prototypical model of a corridor dolmen found all throughout Europe.
MiniWorld3D is excited to bring this model to life. This model was made in blender, please give credit to the authors.
Modeled by legado.3d , who shared this to be published by MiniWorld3D.
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Print photos by Carlos Ramírez with Amolen glow-in-the-dark, only for illustration purposes, real Dolmens did not glow ;) Render by Legado3D.
Note: photographs differ slightly from the actual model, the entrance corridor was corrected to be less curved for historical accuracy.
Suggested parameters:
Pause and change filament to have different colors as in the example.
The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.