6x6 Terrace variation

The final version of the game ever released had a smaller board
updated November 21, 2023



2 player games will use all white and black pieces on the board for a long game, but for a very short game use 1 big piece two middle size pieces and 1 t piece each, just as for a 4 player game.  


Print the following pieces

in black, print

4x TerracePiece1

4x TerracePiece2

3x TerracePiece4

1x TerracePieceT


In white print 

4x TerracePiece1

4x TerracePiece2

3x TerracePiece4

1x TerracePieceT


In Red print

1x TerracePiece1

2x TerracePiece2

1x TerracePieceT


In Blue print

1x TerracePiece1

2x TerracePiece2

1x TerracePieceT


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

In the last few years of manufacture, the game was changed to be on a 6x 6 board.  You can now print out this variation as well.  the rules are the same as for 8x8 terrace, however the number of pieces is reduced, which should make gameplay a bit quicker.
