LED Ring Lamp for Octoprint WLED Status Plugin

LED ring lamp with WLED and WS2812B LEDs for Octoprint status display.
updated April 26, 2021



I stumbled upon this great octoprint plugin:


Since I use WLED everywhere I designed this little indicator Light.

I used these WS2812B LEDs with inner diameter 36mm and outer diameter 50mm:


And an ESP32 D1 Mini


The ESP32 fits snuggly into the base.

A little strip of double sided tape holds it firmly in place.

For my version I printed out 2 of the LED ring cases and glued them together.
I didnt use any glue for the base since it was a good fit there.

For those of you who haven't fiddled with WLED yet check out Aircoockie's Github:



Print instructions:

The diffuser was printed with white PLA, 0,2 layer height.

The base for the ESP32 and the LED rings were both printed in PETG with 0,2 layer height.

The LED ring base needs supports from buildplate.



You will need some wires and a soldering iron.

M2*4 screws for mounting the rings.

You can print multiple ring bases and glue the together.

But for more than two or three you'll need a separate 5V supply for the LEDs.
I simply used the VCC pin on the ESP32 board.
Max. current should not exceed 1000mA!
You can always set a power limit in WLED to play safe.


VCC pin → red wire   → LED VCC Power Supply
GND pin → black wire → LED GND 
IO2 pin → green wire → LED DI Data Input
Connect LED DO to next ring LED DI

I put some heat shrink over the wires.

There will be minimal light bleeding on the backside, since it is not completely closed.

Maybe I will redesign the diffuser since it sits a bit loose.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
