Don’t have a resin printer? You may buy the model at N'Tastic Scale Models:
As mentioned in previous designs, the railways rebuild the body of these lorries in their own workshops according to their actual needs. This leads to versions, where trucks were equipped with charabanc or bus bodies. There is even evidence that lorries were ones rebuild to a bus and some years later back to a truck (with different body). That was a common approach that time.
So, this model shows a charabanc on AEC’s Y-type, modelled after pictures of two different ones, one in service with the Great Western Railway (GWR) and one of an unknown owner (picture found at British Commercial Vehicle Museum).
Although there is no evidence, most probably such vehicles were used in quite similar design by all British railways and it is even possible, that such solution was used somewhere else in Continental Europe.
Less likely, but still not impossible the Daimler truck-version of this AEC-lorry was used in Germany or other European countries with rule on the left side. By that reason I took the opportunity to create a Daimler version for railroad-modellers, who live in countries, were peoples drive on the right side of the road. ;-)
For a complete truck you need:
1x chassis
1x body (open or closed)
1x optional awning (only for closed version)
1x wheel aft (early or late)
1x wheel fore (turning left, turning right or straight)
1x driver figure (optional)
Wheels and driver are already published here (I don't like to double them):
The awning exists in two versions a simple one (to be used for larger scale) and a strengthened one, recommended for smaller scale (at least n- and TT-scale).
Passengers in the pictures were partially taken from my Foden steam bus-model, partially the belong to a bus-version of this type, which is still in work and will be published sometime in the future.
As always, all models sized for British n-scale (1:148). Conversion values:
Continental N-scale, 1:160 -> 92.5%
TT-gauge, 1:120 -> 123%
HO/H0-gauge, 1:87 -> 170%
OO/00-gauge, 1:76 -> 195%
S-gauge, 1:64 -> 231%
O-gauge, 1:48 -> 308%
The author marked this model as their own original creation.