Rugged Box - Money Box [USD]

Small Rugged Box for a bundle of cash. My cash was just sitting in my safe. Now it is in this box!
3h 32m
1× print file
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
56.00 g
updated December 11, 2023



Will fit about 30mm of USD flush. Two slots in the lid for desiccant prevent mold.

Important: Use 6x M3 x 40mm screws to complete.


When printing in a solid color:

Printed Bottom, Lid, and Latches in PETG. 

Prusa slicer and MK4. Generic PETG. 

.15 Speed setting and Octagonal Spiral for top and bottom pattern.


Printed the Seal in TPU

Limited all speeds to 25mm/s. 

Temp: 220C Bed: 55C


Printing in two colors:

It's important you read all of this before using the G-Code or add your own M600 into the code.

  • Added custom G-code that stops and prompts color change for the top ring. 

Added 2 M600 commands. 

  1. Base color: Start printing with this. It will lay down the first layer in base color only. 
  2. Secondary color: It will stop halfway through 2nd layer for this (ring)
  3. Base color: Finishes the rest of the box 

A few quirks when working with this G-code:

  • Set at .15 layer height with .40mm nozzle
  • Manually tuned secondary color to 110% flow for a fuller top ring
  • If adding your own M600 commands and using Prusa slicer, make sure that the model's long end is perpendicular to the printer's screen. This just makes sure the lines are laid down in a more esthetic orientation in the ring


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Changes from the original:

Scaled to fit USD

Added Decorative ring on top
