Double Filament holder, wall mount

Double Filament holder for wall mount with bearings so filament rollers can be lifted on and off.
updated November 5, 2023



Print 'main holder' or ‘main holder V2’ and 2 times the following:

  • manet
  • manet for nut
  • spool holder
  • cap

and 4 times the spacer.

Fix the wall mount to the wall first before putting everything together , use some glue on the outer most nuts so they won't come loose from there own.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I don't have a ‘prusa’ 3d printer so the mount does not fit my printer. So I remixed it so I can mount it on a wall. Also made every component separate instead of all in on stl.

Materials are still the same as the original: 
4 pieces. M8 Nuts 
1 piece 23.5 cm Threaded rod Ø8mm 
4 pieces bearings Z608 


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