Paint Bottle Stand - Customizable OpenSCAD

Versatile, stackable, step-able, 3D or 2D (for CNC), customizable in OpenSCAD, STLs, good for a lot of bottle sizes.
In the contest Painting Helpers
updated November 5, 2023



Made a customized stand for my Marabu alcohol incs and it came out great! I do really appreciate you for uploading the SCAD files!
Fast and easy to print, no supports needed and fits perfectly without any issues or the need for sanding. Great design!
I do not need to stack these, so i made the side and back parts smaller than my bottles, just my personal preference.
Printed in Sunlu PLA+ black

Love it!
Looks awesome, and you nailed the height of the labeling.
I personally tend to also not stack the stands. Having the back/sides shorter is also a very good idea, usability-wise; you don't have panels in the way when you want to pick one of the most "hidden" bottles.
An awesome make!!

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