updated November 4, 2023



Printed in Amolen glow in the dark purple

Great print...the supports take patience.

Can confirm, does work and works well!

i had some color shifting silk Pla that i needed to use up and asked my wife what she wanted, this was her response. 0.6 nozzle 0.15 layers MK3.5 4 hrs 24 minutes. lots of support to remove. (edited)

Such a long print, I only attempted once with the feet on the build plate. It was very successful and looks amazing
Removing the auto generated support material is almost as long as the print time.
I'd be curious to know how prints have finished in other orientations. For such an intricate model, I don't see an obvious orientation that is much stronger than any other. Changing the orientation would only be for the aesthetic of the model - note the rings at the rear of the body on mine and other models printed on it's feet