Had to make one before someone else did...lol
29 k
updated November 22, 2023



When I found out about the awesome Dummy 13 designed by soozafone, I had to print one or two and then I realised they NEEDED a Lighsaber. Used the staff from the original to make it. 

This is at 200% so you'll need to scale down for the original size. I printed my Dummy 13 at 200%. 

There is a Full Saber file which is the purple one in the photo and then I made a hilt and blade seperate so people can print the blade in Vase Mode and glue together which is how the blue one was printed.

I just changed colour at set layer heights. Make sure you use a brim.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Changed the Staff to a Lightsaber
