Dummy 13 (Beta) On Runners (Easier to print)

Dummy 13 with improved bed adhesion
26 k
88 k
updated November 5, 2023



Good Model, perfekt Print.

I printed stl file very well but ı can not merge the parts. Can anyone help me?

Hard pass - .16mm and can’t snap a single part together easily. Good chance my newness to 3Dp is negatively impacting this but still. For such a popular model I didn’t expect so many issues.

Super fun to make. Ive added magnet on the back to be able to hang it on my whiteboard

works perfectly

any way you could make the runners slightly taller it wont print for me

for some reason the runners wont print any suggestions?

helped with adhesion

Thanks for sharing, i asembled it with my kid and it was fun