I use both the low angle spool holder and the K2 filament clip together.
I noticed that it is possible that during printing the K2 clip gets jammed into the filament guide loop of the spool holder, see 2nd photo (recreation of the situation because I forgot to take a photo when it happened).
This causes the filament to jam a bit when the print head moves away from the filament guide, but not when it moves towards it. The effect is that there is underextrusion on one side of a print, but not the other side, see 3rd photo (underextrusion on left side).
To prevent this jamming, I designed an adapter that can simply clip onto the filament guide loop, see 4th photo. The semi-closed side goes towards the filament spool.
The top of the adapter has an intentional bulge and flat area. This is so it can be printed upside-down without support. Just be careful because the area on the print bed is quite small.
The SCAD file references the library af-basics.scad which can be found here: https://www.printables.com/model/175914-openscad-library-for-more-basic-shapes
The version from 2023-10-21 (or newer if available) is needed for this model.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.