Qube 500 - Cooler Accesories

Adjusted Qube 500 - Sample Holders and some accesories designs
updated October 15, 2023



Design Premises 

Based on the printability criteria outlined in the contest guidelines, I focused the design efforts on creating parts that can effectively be printed by any user and subsequently customized for Cooler Master Qube 500 cabinets.

In this regard, I carried out the following general activities:

  • Printing a section of the outer panel and the original "sample holders" to understand how they work and what the key elements of each are.
  • Using the parts developed and tested by @CoolerMaster with as few modifications as possible.
  • However, I excluded the "sample holder": "3D-printing-base-foot-mount-v4" as I considered the other piece to have an equivalent function with better performance.
  • Printing and testing all versions of the developed parts to ensure they function correctly and are (truly) printable.


In this context, I propose making slight modifications to the "sample holders," and each one will have a counterpart that will be used as a base in the development of any customized 3D printed accessory.

  • 3d-printing-base-hook-mount-v1.1 
  • 3d-printing-base-hook-mount-BM_v1.1 (Base Model).
  • 3d-printing-base-single-hole-mount-v4.1
  • 3d-printing-base-single-hole-mount_BM-v4.1

Layer orientation.

This is the mechanical principle I used for getting stronger parts. 


This is the most important thing you must do for get a correct print.

I hope that this project is useful and serves as a foundation for creating even more incredible and practical customization elements than the ones presented here.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


Highlighted models from creator

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