The paddle was printed on a Bambu Lab P1P but should fit with any printer with 256x256mm. I will later add the design that allows you to print in a smaller printer. Make sure you have these settings on the individual parts:
Top Paddle, Bottom Paddle and Handle-Plate:
Top Shell = 1, Bottom Shell = 1
Handle Guard and Top Plate:
Top Shell = 1, Bottom Shell =2
Overall Settings:
Triangles Infill at 15%
The reason why you want these settings is to allow the paddle to be lightweight as well as sturdy enough to hit the ball. I had issues with other iterations where the handle would break off before the paddle so that is why there is a handle guard that protects the weakest part.
I added a version of the paddle to fit your printer. However this will be the standard thickness of a regular paddle.
I highly recommend soldering the top and bottom paddle together and gorilla glue the plates on top to give it for durability. After gorilla gluing everything, I would solder the plates to the paddle parts on the sides to give it extra protection. Below is a link of the edge guard I used to protect the edges of the paddle:
If the link doesn't work, it's a furniture edge guard with a 9mm thickness.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.