Green Onion Regrow Pot

A small pot with separations to help regrow green onion and other small vegetables or plants without them falling over.
In the contest Gardening Tools
updated January 22, 2024



A small pot with separations to help regrow green onion and other small vegetables or plants without them falling over. There's a small grid plate on the bottom to make room for new roots. Fill to cover existing roots with water.

This is a two-step print:

  1. The pot itself (printed in green, paused, then resumed with white), with the bottom grid plate (printed in green at the same time as the pot's bottom part)
  2. Separators (printed in white)

You can flip the grid plate upside down to get more vertical space if required. The separators will still be elevated by the grid plate so roots will still have room to grow.

The parametric source file is included, so resize or remix to your heart's content!

I'd love to see your makes!


Print Instructions

The tray uses a slicer trick to generate the grid pattern on the tray.stl file (it's actually exposed infill). The easiest way to print the model is to use the provided 3mf file which has everything pre-configured, including color changes. You must enter preview mode to see the effect, otherwise on the build plate the tray looks like a normal solid.

You can read more about the exposed-infill technique here:


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
