Bambu AMS Cardboard Spool Rings - Parametric with Improved grip options

Normal and experimental grip surface for cardboard spools
updated November 19, 2023



Here's our cardboard spool adapter ring generator. Open the .f3d files in Fusion 360 and adjust as you please. We primarily use Inland spools that are cardboard but I'll add to this if you'd like to provide a diameter in millimeters.


We print ours in PETG which is a bit more durable and flexible to go on and off spools than PLA is.


Types of Ring Surface

These are experiments. At times we find the rim edge is too slick. Ribbed and V-groove take much longer to print.

  • Smooth - no pattern (normal)
  • Ribbed - circular extrusions on the outer surface
  • V-Groove - v-groove pattern on the outer surface



Spool Sizes

These 8" calipers are great for measuring spool outer diameters but a decent tape measure will work too.

Inland PETG / PLA 199.6mm 
Future options (let me know!)  


Fusion 360 Files

To change any detail of the design, use the Fusion 360 files. If you have a paid or educational license you can use the Configured version (.F3Z). I have a Learn Fusion 360 series on Youtube.


See our video on the new Configurations feature



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Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
