Aboxman's model only had the STL on it, so in order to extend it out for thicker cubical walls, I had to re-engineer it by printing his STL and making a lot of measurements. To save anyone else the trouble in the future for other mods, I have included the F3D and STEP files as well. Hopefully this opens up further mods of this pretty clever design.
The author remixed this model.
Aboxman's clip is great for the walls it was designed for, but my office has thicker cubical walls. So I extended the portion of the clip that rests on top of the cubical walls. Additionally, I also beefed up the clip by thickening the plastic leading up to the tooth itself. The only other difference was an unintentional one that I didn't pick up on until after I printer it: the top most hook is about 0.05" higher than the original. It is also plausible that some of the fillet radii are slightly different, but they seem right to my eye and I lack the tools to make precise enough measurements to check for certain.