Articulated Axolotl, Strengthened arm joints

This is an Articulated Axolotl that I changed a little. Made the arms thicker at the bottom. No Supports needed.
updated December 12, 2023



Layer Height: 0.2mm
Wall line Count: 4
Infill: 10%
eSun PLA+ Pink

Great model. 1 of the back legs is fused and I don't want to force it but otherwise great design and easy print.

To anyone experiencing issues with the back legs fusing to the body, there is a simple fix! Load the model into prusaslicer, right click the object > Split > To Objects. From there, you can make a minor position adjustment to the legs so they wont fuse :D (edited)

printed loose at full size. Front legs had minor detachment issues at towards the front with the body. Rear legs had major detachment issues with the cylinder along the outside.

tried printing at 80% .15mm layers because a full size print at .15mm is scheduled to take 16 hours, but the two rear legs snapped when trying to detach them from their socket. The original printed fine at 50%, except that the leg joints were very weak.

I see now that there is a second file called "loose", but it was not named like it should be the default choice. It should be the default choice. (edited)