Masterball Interlocking easy to print

Masterball fan art, easy to print. Each part is printed separately and assembled for a perfect result.
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updated September 24, 2023


Here is my easy to print Masterball model.

Each part prints independently, you can print it in color without a multi-color printer.

The biggest advantage is that it is easy to post-process, to obtain a sublime result.
(post-process photos are from my friend (on instagram)


Personally I printed it in 0.2mm, but the best is to use the adaptive layers to have a perfect dome.

Support needed for domes (button area)
An infill of 15-20% is recommended for strength.
There is no need for a raft or edge, a well-adjusted deck is enough.


There are two ready-to-paint versions for Prusa MMU and Bambulab

There is a 3mf version already colored for Bambulab and MMU


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
