This is my most used travel essential!
Thanks to Beaver for making an excellent file with great pieces. I have upgraded this existing file to suit a wider range of people, who may only have a single-colour printer. This certain file is printable on a 220 x 220 build plate or bigger, with 6x3 mm neodymium magnets. I suggest a 200 pcs, for some spares. They are cheap! I have an ender 3 pro, and it can only print in one colour. This is unfortunate, but I did not give up on my dream to have this epic item!
I used this technique by BV3D and applied the same sort of concept when making this. Here is the video, so go check it out!
This isn't a necessarily hard process, but you will need to have the Advance_Pause_Feature in your firmware (for marlin), basically if your printer can read a colour change command (M600).
All Prusa printers should have this, and you can test by pressing the colour change button in Prusa slicer.
If you do not have this activated, I suggest you follow this simple guide to update your firmware found Here. You will also need a well calibrated printer, so Here is a video! Here (again) is a video on perfect first layers, you will need (as I have discovered) to fit the magnets in properly.
←This button here
Ok, let's get to how you should be printing this.
The method used to print the multi colour is basically printing 3 different prints at the same time. When printing, make sure your bed stays hot in the transition to a new print! If you don't have a ABL system like a BL touch, ignore the ABL recommendations.
White Squares:
Black Squares:
Top Board:
Top Board part 2:
You will need to pause the print to add the magnets. here is a quick overview:
Bottom Piece:
Thanks for your time. If you have any questions or want me to make a bigger or smaller version of this board, please leave a comment, and I will get straight to work.
The author remixed this model.
I have changed this model to be printable on a single extruder printer, so everyone can enjoy!
I added minimalistic characters on the side of the board to fit a Staunton (The standard chess style) look. Therefore, I also had to add an extra Queen slot, because all Staunton boards need this in case of promoting. On the original, this was a major pull factor to remix it, so you can play proper chess!