Wing Nut M3 with enclosed nut

Wing Nut M3 with enclosed nut, print stopped to place nut. I used a stop nut, but a normal nut should work as well.
updated September 13, 2023


When I first saw this and looked at the pan-and-tilt-able view, I assumed it would be in two pieces so you could get the nut inside. And then I read the bit about pausing the print to pop the nut in, hahahaha genius :o) My car has a really awful quality plastic- winged incomplete-plastic-threaded piece of garbage that holds the shroud panel over the battery, of course this was broken by garage mechanics in the first service and I put a proper nut on the metal thread that pokes through the shroud, but that sometimes needs pliers to free it up, a printed wing-thingy would be brilliant so it's on my to-do list now, either using your files if I can adapt them or I'll create my own, so thanks for the idea :o)

@Gigabeast_1178074 I'm genuinely happy that it gave you some inspiration. Check out the inside of the cavity for the nut, there's a slight modification so the overhangs print better without support. You'll find explanation of this feature when you google it. I hope you'll be able to replace the part in your car. I designed this version for a coffee maker where the previous owner lost one wing nut ;)

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